Dear Milo,
The great part about working with American females is that our forces in their culture will criticize them for anything they want. If one of them wants to be a doctor, we create a mass opinion that she should be more maternal and build a family. But if one of them wants to be a mother, we create a mass opinion that she is selling herself short and should push to be at the top of some career. We’ve really mastered this in America today. We’re doing a fantastic job keeping them from realizing that the Enemy just wants them to do is just follow the passions He’s created them with, and that He’s given them these choices to make them feel free, not criticized. We must constantly continue to turn women against one another, but make them think it is man’s fault. We must feed their minds with disapproving attitudes toward the choices of their fellow females, and make each of them feel like the choice they made is the one every woman should make. In this particular girl, she knows that she wants to be a mother one day, but I want you to make her feel shame for this. Make her feel like she is undo-ing the efforts of feminist women before her who paved the way for women in the workplace. Make her feel like if she becomes a stay-at-home mom, everyone will disapprove. Do not let her know that whether she gets a PhD or becomes a mother, the Enemy has a divine purpose for her in both.
The great part about working with American females is that our forces in their culture will criticize them for anything they want. If one of them wants to be a doctor, we create a mass opinion that she should be more maternal and build a family. But if one of them wants to be a mother, we create a mass opinion that she is selling herself short and should push to be at the top of some career. We’ve really mastered this in America today. We’re doing a fantastic job keeping them from realizing that the Enemy just wants them to do is just follow the passions He’s created them with, and that He’s given them these choices to make them feel free, not criticized. We must constantly continue to turn women against one another, but make them think it is man’s fault. We must feed their minds with disapproving attitudes toward the choices of their fellow females, and make each of them feel like the choice they made is the one every woman should make. In this particular girl, she knows that she wants to be a mother one day, but I want you to make her feel shame for this. Make her feel like she is undo-ing the efforts of feminist women before her who paved the way for women in the workplace. Make her feel like if she becomes a stay-at-home mom, everyone will disapprove. Do not let her know that whether she gets a PhD or becomes a mother, the Enemy has a divine purpose for her in both.
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