Dear Milo,
Health is something that should be a good thing for humans, but we’ve twisted it into something they’re obsessed with. They want to live forever, and they want to look and feel great the whole time. It’s time to engross her mind with this obsession. We must disguise all of this as an effort for “health,” so that she can justify it, but we will slowly be trapping her more and more into a control-oriented guilt-inducing relationship with what the Enemy has given her for food. Entice her to start exercising for food, counting calories, feeling guilty when she eats dessert. Use the people around her to compliment her, saying how healthy and fit she looks, when she is gradually torturing herself on the inside to look that way on the outside. Make her incessantly compare herself and her body to other girls’, whether they are her peers or digitally altered models. You will create a “forbidden fruit” mentality in her eating habits, and just as we did with Eve, we will ruin the natural relationship that the Enemy intended for her to have with food.
