Dear Milo,
Let her take the love of the Enemy for granted. When she wakes up in the morning, He may prompt her to first read a morning devotional, but it’s your job make her think thoughts like “Oh that devotional will be there in an hour, but the new posts on Instagram are only new right now. God will always be there, and He loves me no matter what, so I can do all these other things before coming to Him.” And when she needs comfort or advice on something, make her think “God will always be there, I can ask everyone else in my life for advice first. He’ll be there when I’m done.” While we know that the Enemy would never hold this against her, we must keep her from knowing that the other efforts for comfort and advice are in vain. Don’t let her acknowledge that He is the only one who knows her heart and her future, and that coming to Him first may eliminate the need to search for an answer somewhere else.
