Dear Milo,
Work in her heart to maintain a need for instant gratification. Humans in the past were much more difficult to do this with because they didn’t live in a world of click-and-receive, but she lives in that now. You should continually try to kill all seeds of patience growing within her. Work this into her life in the small things, and in the bigger things. We can really sow a need for instant gratification when she’s stuck in traffic and just wants to get where she’s going. We can sow it in the invention of things like Dating Apps, where she can get affirmation and flirtation with one swipe. We can apply it in the realm of food, when she is so used to popping something in the microwave or picking something pre-made up from the store. Don’t let her appreciate the blessings of the process, where the food was grown and prepared to get where it is. We can apply it in her friendships, when someone repeatedly does something wrong, and she needs patience to help them work on it. We can apply it in work and school, when she has to do a multi-faceted task and is tempted to it quickly and somewhat poorly instead of taking weeks and doing quality work. The opportunities for her to crave instant gratification and crush her patience are everywhere in her world, do not ever miss an opportunity to use them.
Work in her heart to maintain a need for instant gratification. Humans in the past were much more difficult to do this with because they didn’t live in a world of click-and-receive, but she lives in that now. You should continually try to kill all seeds of patience growing within her. Work this into her life in the small things, and in the bigger things. We can really sow a need for instant gratification when she’s stuck in traffic and just wants to get where she’s going. We can sow it in the invention of things like Dating Apps, where she can get affirmation and flirtation with one swipe. We can apply it in the realm of food, when she is so used to popping something in the microwave or picking something pre-made up from the store. Don’t let her appreciate the blessings of the process, where the food was grown and prepared to get where it is. We can apply it in her friendships, when someone repeatedly does something wrong, and she needs patience to help them work on it. We can apply it in work and school, when she has to do a multi-faceted task and is tempted to it quickly and somewhat poorly instead of taking weeks and doing quality work. The opportunities for her to crave instant gratification and crush her patience are everywhere in her world, do not ever miss an opportunity to use them.
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