Dear Milo,
At the basic level of any of our attacks should be the powerful foundation: shame. Anything built on shame is statistically much more likely to succeed for us. Shame makes both male and female humans linger and wallow in things that happened weeks or even years before their present moment, and has more power than it did even while it was happening. You need to plague her with shame.
She knows she is a sinner, and our job is to capitalize on the many falls she's had and make them a major part of her self-image. Try to block her understanding that she is made new everyday by the Enemy, and His Son's atoning blood. Make her feel like because of what she's done, he somehow loves her less, or she is less worthy of his love.
She has started serving in a church job, and this a major opportunity for us to make her feel like she isn't good enough. She's too sinful to serve her creator. Work hard on this one, and work in the other church employees to make them feel this way about themselves too.
