Dear Milo, She is becoming more independent. She is moving away from the family who raised her and protected her, and spending more time with people she hasn’t known for long. Your task here is to make sure that she feels different from them – like the odd one out. The Enemy is trying to tell her that she her differences are beautiful, and part of His “divine design”, but try your best to make her feel that the differences make her ugly. If she tries to change herself, reward her. Help her rationalize doing things that she knows she doesn’t want to do, and then plague her with guilt for them. When the Enemy reminds her of grace, make her feel trapped in her own mistakes.
Showing posts from July, 2017
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Dear Milo, The great part about working with American females is that our forces in their culture will criticize them for anything they want. If one of them wants to be a doctor, we create a mass opinion that she should be more maternal and build a family. But if one of them wants to be a mother, we create a mass opinion that she is selling herself short and should push to be at the top of some career. We’ve really mastered this in America today. We’re doing a fantastic job keeping them from realizing that the Enemy just wants them to do is just follow the passions He’s created them with, and that He’s given them these choices to make them feel free, not criticized. We must constantly continue to turn women against one another, but make them think it is man’s fault. We must feed their minds with disapproving attitudes toward the choices of their fellow females, and make each of them feel like the choice they made is the one every woman should make. In this particular gir...
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Dear Milo, You know that her heart does not want to be selfish, but that the influence we have gives her selfish desires. You know that she sometimes feels selfish, but doesn’t want to be seen that way. I want you to capitalize on the moments when she realizes her own selfishness, and make her feel intense guilt for them. Extend this feeling into an idea that anything she does for herself is wrong, to the point that she doesn’t take care of herself and runs dry. Don’t let her remember that in order for her to pour out the Enemy’s love to other people (which she unfortunately wants to do) she has to be filled first.
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Dear Milo, The enemy has entrusted her with many responsibilities. School, friends, work, leadership activities, and of course sleep etc. It is your current mission to make her feel that she can’t do it all, yet somehow isn’t doing enough. Feed her messages that she is not achieving as much as other people, and never doing her tasks to their fullest ability, yet make her feel inadequate for being overwhelmed. We both know that The Enemy won’t give her more than she can handle, but distract her from knowing that. The feeling of inadequacy is one of our oldest and strongest forces.
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Dear Milo, Health is something that should be a good thing for humans, but we’ve twisted it into something they’re obsessed with. They want to live forever, and they want to look and feel great the whole time. It’s time to engross her mind with this obsession. We must disguise all of this as an effort for “health,” so that she can justify it, but we will slowly be trapping her more and more into a control-oriented guilt-inducing relationship with what the Enemy has given her for food. Entice her to start exercising for food, counting calories, feeling guilty when she eats dessert. Use the people around her to compliment her, saying how healthy and fit she looks, when she is gradually torturing herself on the inside to look that way on the outside. Make her incessantly compare herself and her body to other girls’, whether they are her peers or digitally altered models. You will create a “forbidden fruit” mentality in her eating habits, and just as we did with Eve, we will ruin the natur...
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Dear Milo, She has found a group of Christians to meet with twice a week. This is not good. The Enemy will use this time as a cleansing for her, a time for her to open up and receive some healing. But you have an advantage- it is only twice a week. During the other days, I want you to continually bombard her with messages that she isn’t wanted. Remember when she was little and we’d send her messages of needing acceptance- especially from boys? Remember all the movies about a prince coming for her one day, all the ways other girls would dress and receive attention from boys, all the ways we made her want attention too— all distracting her from the Prince of Peace? You must capitalize on those now! Make her feel that the only way to be seen by boys is to be sexy, but that if she is too sexy she will be reprimanded by girls. Maintaining this tension will be a continual effort on our part, but be on guard – this is one that the Enemy cares deeply about. It disgusts me how much He cares abo...
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Dear Milo, There is an increasing movement of dissatisfaction with week-day life in her culture. There are songs, articles, memes, tweets, etc. etc. about living for the weekend or living for vacation, and just “getting through” the week. Ha, just look at the connotation in the way they use the word “Monday!” I am so proud of us!! This widespread infliction of discontentment, boredom, self-pity, and mutual misery, simultaneously creates unrealistic expectations for the weekend/vacation time so that even when they reach it they are still unsatisfied. And we don’t just see this in the work-force, we see it in school aged children. Remember when she was little and we’d make her DREAD getting up for school? We’d inundate her with worries about how she looked, how her grades were, who she’d sit with at lunch, if she’d ever get into a seemingly unattainable “good college,” etc. The best way for you to maintain this success is to keep her from realizing how many people do not have the luxury ...
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Dear Milo, Work in her heart to maintain a need for instant gratification. Humans in the past were much more difficult to do this with because they didn’t live in a world of click-and-receive, but she lives in that now. You should continually try to kill all seeds of patience growing within her. Work this into her life in the small things, and in the bigger things. We can really sow a need for instant gratification when she’s stuck in traffic and just wants to get where she’s going. We can sow it in the invention of things like Dating Apps, where she can get affirmation and flirtation with one swipe. We can apply it in the realm of food, when she is so used to popping something in the microwave or picking something pre-made up from the store. Don’t let her appreciate the blessings of the process, where the food was grown and prepared to get where it is. We can apply it in her friendships, when someone repeatedly does something wrong, and she needs patience to help them work on it. We c...
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Dear Milo, Let her take the love of the Enemy for granted. When she wakes up in the morning, He may prompt her to first read a morning devotional, but it’s your job make her think thoughts like “Oh that devotional will be there in an hour, but the new posts on Instagram are only new right now. God will always be there, and He loves me no matter what, so I can do all these other things before coming to Him.” And when she needs comfort or advice on something, make her think “God will always be there, I can ask everyone else in my life for advice first. He’ll be there when I’m done.” While we know that the Enemy would never hold this against her, we must keep her from knowing that the other efforts for comfort and advice are in vain. Don’t let her acknowledge that He is the only one who knows her heart and her future, and that coming to Him first may eliminate the need to search for an answer somewhere else.
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Dear Milo, Emotions are one of our most powerful tools in the human species. In her culture, we’ve created a focus on feelings, and we’ve begun to make them believe that whatever they feel is absolute truth. I want you to weave this into her understanding of how she should act and make decisions. Surround her with people who always ask her things like “how does it make you feel? What do your feelings tell you? You should do what feels best.” Do your utmost to make sure that she rarely notices how fleeting and fickle feelings are, and how the Word of the Enemy has much more solid ground. While the Enemy does work in her emotions, we must make her feel that if she ignores a feeling, it will build up to the point of explosion. So she should let them rule her life in order to prevent emotional build-up.
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Dear Milo, Confuse her. She has been reading about “faith and works,” yuck. The very phrase makes me gag. I want you to confuse her understanding of this concept, and make her worry that she does not have enough of one or the other. Make her wonder how the Enemy could love her if she doesn’t have enough faith, and by the same token how He could love her if she doesn’t have enough works. Unfortunately, she already knows that her salvation doesn’t depend on those things, but we can make her time here on earth more agonizing if we make her feel like she always has to measure up to some amount of faith or works. The trick is to ensure that “amount” is ambiguous, and continuously make her feel guilt about whatever amount she has
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Dear Milo, Make her question if the love of the Enemy is relevant in her day to day life. Make her doubt that the love of God is ALL that she needs, every day. This is really quite simple since she lives in a world inundated by messages that say she needs this, needs that, must attain this quality or this item in order to succeed. When she feels some lack, let her turn to a myriad of other things instead of the Enemy. She doesn’t know that it isn’t so much an empty void that disturbs her, but what she turns to for filling that void. Keep her running on various other fuels like attention, analyzation, self-improvement, social interaction, and let her exhaust her other options before turning to the Enemy.
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Dear Milo, She is twenty something now, and you must begin to twist her desire for commitment. We’ve been building on this for some time now, but her twenties and thirties are when we can bring it to fruition. Make her desire a committed relationship with a man, but disguise the fact that it’s one of our idols in her life by calling it a desire for “Godly” relationship. She can justify almost any desire if we put the term “Godly “in front of it. What she doesn’t realize is that while she’s seeking something that will please the Enemy, she will seek it to the point of putting it before Him, and this will frustrate Him greatly. I wish He wasn’t so slow to anger, if I were Him I would’ve lost my temper long ago.
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Dear Milo, I’m sure you know this basic obstacle we face, but you’re a bit of an idiot, so let me remind you. The Enemy calls his daughters to share the “good news” about Him to everyone they possibly can, because He wants more of His kids to know Him. We need to do everything we can to stop them, to create excuses in their mind for ceasing to share, and we need to do it all the time. I want you to focus on this with her: make her afraid to share Jesus with people. Make her afraid of coming across as judgmental. Make her worry that if she shares in the wrong way, she will offend someone, and they will turn away from Him and her. This will play into her selfishness because she won’t risk losing friends who disagree with her beliefs. And the genius part is that she can rationalize it by saying she doesn’t want to accidentally turn people away from Jesus. She will fall under the impression that what she says about God will make or break other people’s relationship with Him, and so she wil...
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Dear Milo, She’s starting to realize that the Enemy has good plans for her, even when they may not seem good from her perspective. She’s been posting Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding,” on post-it notes in her room. We must combat against this!! If she begins feel peace from not worrying about her future, many of our usual avenues will shut down. Anxiety, over-analyzation, pressure to impress others, worries about if she’ll meet someone, or change the world, and so many other things will go away if she starts trusting His plan for her future. I want you to intervene. Do anything. Make her feel too guilty about her sin to believe that He has good things coming her way. Keep her from trusting in the Lord with all her heart, and make her limit herself to her own understanding.